Launch app
Frequently asked questions
Latest answers
What’s the difference between EVM equivalent and EVM compatible ?
What's the difference between Taiko and other Layers 2s ?
What’s the difference between EVM compatible and EVM equivalent ?
Where can I find upcoming fair launches ?
How to participate in a fair launch ?
Henjin DEX v4 Protocol
What v4 hooks are currently available on Henjin DEX ?
What are v4 hooks and how do they work ?
What are the differences between Henjin v4 and Uniswap v3 ?
What are the differences between a v3 AMM and a v4 AMM ?
What is a v4 DEX ?
Taiko Network
What’s the difference between EVM equivalent and EVM compatible ?
What's the difference between Taiko and other Layers 2s ?
What’s the difference between EVM compatible and EVM equivalent ?
What is a ZK Rollup ?
What is the primary goal of Taiko ?
Henjin DEX v4 Pools
What is automated liquidity management ?
How to add a liquidity position on Henjin DEX ?
How to create a pool on Henjin DEX ?
Henjin DEX v4 Fees
What are dynamic fees ?
How can I earn protocol fees ?
How are protocol fees split ?
How are protocol fees earned ?
How to allocate xHENJ to a plugin ?
How to get xHENJ ?
What is xHENJ ?
What is HENJ ?
Fair launches
Where can I find upcoming fair launches ?
How to participate in a fair launch ?
What is a fair launch ?
Can't find your answer ?
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